预售【外图港版】Transformational HRM Practices for Hong Kong / 香港大学出版社 电子书 下载 txt pdf mobi

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Focusing on the latest management trends, Transformational HRM Practices for Hong Kong provides HR professionals with a comprehensive and accessible guide to human resource management in Hong Kong. Written by a leading team of HR professionals, psychologists, legal experts, and academics, the book provides up-to-date coverage of current practices, laws and procedures, as well as guidance on the professional skills required to operate successfully in the region.
Suitable for practitioners and students alike, the book contains authentic case studies in local context and sets out the latest strategies for talent acquisition and assessment as well as performance and rewards management. It provides essential coverage of organizational change management, recent technological advancements in the field, and outlines the development of Hong Kong’s employment laws and their likely implications for professionals. In one volume, this book provides the key information, guidance, and context HR professionals require to be successful in Hong Kong’s fast-changing business environment.
‘This book is the product of the collective wisdom of a team of well-qualified and experienced contributors. It successfully integrates both theory and practice with a lot of real-life cases and examples. It provides a valuable and up-to-date tool to support teachers, students, and practitioners in the new HR era.’ —Irene Chow, Professor and Head, Department of Management, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
‘This is a timely and accessible collection on the HRM development in Hong Kong for business managers and aspiring HRM students. It explains succinctly the fundamental and drastic changes in the traditional HR sector in Hong Kong. Reading this book makes me realize how much HRM has been transformed since the internet era.’ —Steven Lui, Associate Professor, School of Management, UNSW Business School, UNSW Sydney
‘Each chapter of this book marks a specific HR topic with comprehensive deliberations on the transformation. It integrates both empirical studies as well as discussions of evolving HR practices. A unique reference that helps readers apprehend the drastic challenges in HR management from traditional to digital.’ —David Li (F.I.H.R.M, HK), Director, Human Resources, New Beta Innovation Limited; President, Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM), 2014–2018
‘The role of human resources management has been evolving over the years. This book focuses on contemporary HR topics within the Hong Kong context. It provides the reader with invaluable insights from seasoned practitioners, consultants, and well-respected academics. I would recommend this book to HR professionals, line managers, and aspiring HR students!’ —Margaret Cheng (F.I.H.R.M, HK), Human Resources Director, MTR Corporation Limited; President, Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM), 2018–present; Chairperson, People Management Committee, Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA)
Acknowledgements vi
List of Contributors vii
1. Introduction 1
Anna P. Y. TSUI and Wilfred K. P. WONG
2. Contexts and Environments of Human Resource Management in Hong Kong 14
Anna P. Y. TSUI
3. Talent Acquisition Strategies in the New HR Era 41
Jenny W. LAM
4. Talent Assessment Strategies in Hong Kong 61
Neil COWIESON, Kit K. W. LAM, and Gloria W. Y. CHAN
5. Learning and Development Strategies in Hong Kong 90
Eliza C. P. CHAN
6. Development of the Performance Management System: Evolution or Revolution? 107
Wilfred K. P. WONG
7. Managing Total Rewards Strategies in Hong Kong 129
Norris Y. W. WONG and Wilfred K. P. WONG
8. Employment-Related Laws and Employee Relations in Hong Kong 152
Francis HON
9. Digital Transformation of Human Resource Management in the Era of Disruptive Technology 170
Josh BERSIN and Anna P. Y. TSUI
10. Managing Organizational Change in Hong Kong: The Role of Human Resource Management for Success 191
Victor M. T. NG, Derek K. H. CHENG, Emily Guohua HUANG, and Michael N. YOUNG
11. Challenges and Future for Human Resource Management in Hong Kong 212
Anna P. Y. TSUI
Index 227
Anna P. Y. Tsui is a senior lecturer in management at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She was awarded a PhD from the University of Hong Kong and has researched, taught, and published widely in the field of human resource management and business strategy. Wilfred K. P. Wong, JP (F.I.H.R.M, HK; President of HKIHRM 2008–2010), is the founder and managing director of RESOLUTIONS HR & Business Consultancy Company. He has worked in multinational companies for many years and holds a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in business administration from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Alongside serving on government committees and community programs, he also gives talks and writes blogs regularly under the alias ‘HR 黃師傅’.
Focusing on the latest management trends, Transformational HRM Practices for Hong Kong provides HR professionals with a comprehensive and accessible guide to human resource management in Hong Kong. Written by a leading team of HR professionals, psychologists, legal experts, and academics, the book provides up-to-date coverage of current practices, laws and procedures, as well as guidance on the professional skills required to operate successfully in the region.
Suitable for practitioners and students alike, the book contains authentic case studies in local context and sets out the latest strategies for talent acquisition and assessment as well as performance and rewards management. It provides essential coverage of organizational change management, recent technological advancements in the field, and outlines the development of Hong Kong’s employment laws and their likely implications for professionals. In one volume, this book provides the key information, guidance, and context HR professionals require to be successful in Hong Kong’s fast-changing business environment.
‘This book is the product of the collective wisdom of a team of well-qualified and experienced contributors. It successfully integrates both theory and practice with a lot of real-life cases and examples. It provides a valuable and up-to-date tool to support teachers, students, and practitioners in the new HR era.’ —Irene Chow, Professor and Head, Department of Management, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
‘This is a timely and accessible collection on the HRM development in Hong Kong for business managers and aspiring HRM students. It explains succinctly the fundamental and drastic changes in the traditional HR sector in Hong Kong. Reading this book makes me realize how much HRM has been transformed since the internet era.’ —Steven Lui, Associate Professor, School of Management, UNSW Business School, UNSW Sydney
‘Each chapter of this book marks a specific HR topic with comprehensive deliberations on the transformation. It integrates both empirical studies as well as discussions of evolving HR practices. A unique reference that helps readers apprehend the drastic challenges in HR management from traditional to digital.’ —David Li (F.I.H.R.M, HK), Director, Human Resources, New Beta Innovation Limited; President, Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM), 2014–2018
‘The role of human resources management has been evolving over the years. This book focuses on contemporary HR topics within the Hong Kong context. It provides the reader with invaluable insights from seasoned practitioners, consultants, and well-respected academics. I would recommend this book to HR professionals, line managers, and aspiring HR students!’ —Margaret Cheng (F.I.H.R.M, HK), Human Resources Director, MTR Corporation Limited; President, Hong Kong Institute of Human Resource Management (HKIHRM), 2018–present; Chairperson, People Management Committee, Hong Kong Management Association (HKMA)
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